Our mission to meet the needs of those who lack and facilitate community change has impacted the lives of many over the last decade and a half.
- Provided 2500 children with supplemental nutrition
- Provided 800 families with periodic health checkup
- Donated 250 pints of blood
- Rehabilitated 20 destitute persons
- Parented 12 children
Subhan is a run away street kid who was in our home till Class X and now is higher education needs are being taken care of by the Society. We are also taking in children whose parents have either died or are living with AIDS and unable to care for their children’s education.
- 2000 children educated
- All our students were admitted unhesitatingly into the government high school
- Some of our former students are now doing their bachelor degree in Nursing and some in government outsourced jobs, and some girls are mothers
Sunita has an invalid father. Her mother is the sole earner in the family. Despite many problems she is keen on becoming a teacher so that she can help educate others the way she was educated through Ashreya Upper Primary School. She is studying hard so that she can reach her goal.
- Empowered 180 women with new work skills
Estherr, a tribal took the dress-making course conducted by Jan Sikshan Sansthan. She is now equipped not only to sew, but also to make candles, detergents and disinfectants. With these skills she has plans to uplift her community.
Registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 (Act. XXI of 1860). FCRA approved.